The Civil Society Action coalition on Education for All, CSACEFA has been in the forefront, advocating for quality and inclusive education in the past two decades. CSACEFA, we all will say was or is a child of necessity. In 2000, there was the need to have a voice that will interface between people and the government for improved education and the implementation of the Universal Basic Education and Millennium Development Goals. The coalition birth came at a time when education was in dare need of a voice and CSACEFA was born in 2000 in the aftermath of the world education conference in Darker. With 40 NGOs coming together with a common voice and attend the summit. Coalition has since then increased in membership across the 36 states of the country working with relevant States and Non States Actors (NSAs) in the education sector. I am privileged to inform you that CSACEFA has stood the test of time and is a reckoning voice when it comes to education advocacy, Gender equality, equity and partnership.

Our Vision

A Nigeria guaranteed of quality
education and dignity for all.

Our Mission

To ensure free, quality and inclusive
education for all through effective
participation of the civil society.


To support the institutions in the
effective implementation of education
policies and programs through the
participation of Civil Societies at all

Thematic Areas:

CSACEFA is driven by a vision of Nigeria Guaranteed of quality education and Dignity for every Nigerian, with no preference to age, social status, ethnicity or creed and with the very mission To facilitate effective Civil Society participation in the provision of free, quality and inclusive education for all. To achieve these CSACEFA is presently working in these thematic areas;
1. Education in emergency
2. Information Communication Technology
3. Adult And Non-Formal Learning
4. Inclusive Education
5. Vocational, Technical, Entrepreneurial Education
6. Formal Education
7. Research and Development

  1. To contribute to the shaping of education policies and programs in Nigeria.
  2. To mobilise and seek to positively influence actions by various education stakeholders in Nigeria.
  3. To provide a platform for monitoring, evaluating and reviewing of various education programs and interventions.
  4. To provide a platform for engaging in wider sub-regional, regional and global Education For All (EFA) processes and campaigns.
  5. To advocate for adequate allocation, timely disbursement and facilitate equitable distribution of resources at all levels of education in Nigeria.
  6. To build the capacity of Civil Society actors in the delivery of EFA programmes in Nigeria. now!

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